Zeavola Luxury Villas

Checked in by John On 15:16
good night!

at least at Portugal, so today I've searched some Hotels of my list of Country's I wish to visit someday and I've came to this beautiful Island resort.

It's in Thailand, Asia, and more specific, in Phi-Phi Island, let me say I've always been fascinated by the nature and marvelous sightseeings they have, It's brilliant, so calm so perfect. Being there would be just a dream come true check the photos and let me know what you've think about this Hotel!

Isn't wonderful for a nice vacations far away from everything where you can rest your head from the day-after-day problems?

All photos have been take from Zeavola Luxury Villas website

Let me know what you think about this blog! =D


4 Responses to 'Zeavola Luxury Villas'

  1. joana said...
    12 de julho de 2010 às 15:31

    OHHH Piu Piu Islands! Love them


  2. Erica said...
    12 de julho de 2010 às 20:38

    I think I need a trip here very soon!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower ; )


  3. Zuzia said...
    13 de julho de 2010 às 14:57

    wow! so amazing place...



  4. Jillian said...
    14 de julho de 2010 às 07:41

    Wow! I love how nature oriented it is. The resort really accentuates all of the natural beauty of the island.


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